It's almost Christmas and I haven't a thing to buy myself!
Such is the life of a 1966 Southwest Graduate. We are likely consumed with shopping for other people and wondering if, in the end, anyone will remember the book, the gadget the DVD, the sweater, the shirt , the tie..........that we so carefully went shopping for?
It really doesn't matter, since we have all been raised to know that "it's the thought that counts". Is this what we are teaching our children? Is this the way we conducted our life with our loved one?
Questions like these are exactly whay you can hope to have explained to you by your classmates.
Come to the 40th Reunion. You've earned it. The fact that you are alive and kicking is reason enough to celebrate 40 years of being on your own.
Watch your snail mail. Details are coming? And leave comments, otherwise this blog will stop existing.
Comment about anything! The War- You love it you hate it? Here is a question. Who did we commemorate our year book to in 1966? A prize goes to the first person who lists a comment with the correct answer!!!!!!