OMG! There is a good reason we no longer count birthdays or reunions. But then again isn't sort of nice to stop the clock and look back on time and remind yourself, "Boy am I glad that period of time is over!" The date is set for the 45th!.....and it's here! Saturday, July 30th, 2011
How many people can you identify?

Is that a Polorid Camera?
Monday, May 29, 2006
Dance Off In The Making
Deeply offended at seeing his name in the “missing in action” column of the Class of 1966 lost classmate list he answered with a provocative email.
Missing in Action? I beg your pardon. I am on a secret training mission in preparation for the big night. I was able to smuggle out a video (see below) of the rigorous training regimen that I pursue on a daily basis.
I am looking forward to a night of unbridled passion and a dance marathon. (but I would accept bridled passion too. In fact I might enjoy that more. But I digress)
I am currently at level one training or what, at your age, is better known as "once in a row." That, of course, is with the dance training. I have not yet reached the pinochle of my sexual training but, of course, it is difficult when one so often trains alone. But that is another story.......... Keep up the good work and enjoy the video.
PS Tell Buddy Scott I now weigh as much as he does and I'm looking for him.
Tom Kupferer
The outcome of watching this?
Tom has insuated that the June 66 class has better rhythm than the January 66 class.
Not wanting to let this challenge go unanswered, the January class voted to put Rob Ciampoli on the floor as our champion.
To sign up for sponsorships of Tom or Rob email them with your financial support at: and
Keep those cards, letters and emails coming.
Dennis Hayashi
Greetings from Melinda Soroka
Dear Class of '66:
I am glad to hear of plans for our 40th reunion. Rich and I have lived overseas for 22 of the past 24 years - in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and now Taiwan. After seven years in Taipei, we are returning to the US for retirement in the Hilton Head, SC area this month. We took up golf about 10 years ago and look forward to playing more now. I only wish I had learned sooner.
I caught up with Southwest classmates at the 20th reunion. At that time we were posted in Singapore. While in Singapore, I set-up a print communications company and handled publications and marketing media for clients such as Asian Home Gourmet, APEC, American Chamber of Commerce, etc. I missed the 30th reunion due to our move to Australia. In Australia, Rich was Army attache at our US embassy and I was the embassy's community liaison officer.
We moved to Taipei in 1999. Here, I was founding editor of a magazine for the expatriate community and was English language consultant to the Taipei mayor's protocol office. It was the mayor's goal to establish a bilingual environment within the city to make the city more international. I also had time for some volunteer work and golf.
During recent years, I have kept up with Brenda Nelson Szydlowski, met up with David Conner and his wife, Selina, in Singapore, met Virginia Jung Koenig at a dinner in Hong Kong, and met Frank Zilm on his way through Hong Kong to a computer modeling meeting in China. Once we are back in the US and unpacked we will decide if we can come to St Louis. It would be fun to catch up with old friends.
Many thanks to the reunion committees for organizing these events.
Best regards,
Melinda Soroka Welker
OK, What's your excuse for not posting with us? All you have to do is compose a note and send it to our blog, or just click comment on any blog and add a message. If you want to send a photo send it to and I will post it (reasonably soon after) to the Southwest blog. Hey, it's starting to get warm here in Chicago, so that must mean it's getting hot in St. Louis.
See you all in July!!!!!!
Dennis Hayashi