For all of those of you who have committed the time and money to attend the 1966 reunion the committee thanks you. For all of you checking your schedule, we hope to see you.
Since our last Blog we are pleased to announce that Bob Kuhl wins the first and perhaps the only Blog contest. His prize? It’s a surprise that will be the envy of every attendee. The question he answered was, “Who did we dedicate our senior yearbook to?” Phyllis Rice answered too, but was just two days behind Bob!
Answer: The fighting forces in Vietnam. Funny isn’t it? Forty years later there is a pretty good chance that a senior class somewhere in America, that’s dedicating their yearbook to our fighting, forces in another war. This time, it’s in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Regardless of your politics you have to hate to see us with young men in harms way. This time around, instead of friends we are likely to have our children engaged. To those of you who have children serving in the armed forces we hope they return safely and remain out of harms way.
If you have stories to share about your involvement with the war please share them. We will post the stories or share them with the rest of the class via this blog. Drop us an email or just post them on the bottom of this insert.
OK, that said, its been fun hearing from some of you. I heard from Dave Fannon who is living Daphine, Alabama. He sold his company and then tried retirement but got bored and came back. In his words “If you rest you rust”. I don’t want to steal his thunder, but if you get a chance run him down so he can share his journey and you can compare notes. I have asked David to submit an updated bio for posting.
He’s a golfer so our list of players is growing. If any of you want to play golf while you are in town, let us know so we can get some T-Times. It’s not just a guy thing either, everyone is welcome, but we have to hear from you, so get on it and send an email to any of the committee members about your level of interest.
Thanks for helping find our lost classmates. And hey, if you have a bio, pictures about you and your family, please send them in. We will post them.
And our first post is from David Conner, who can’t make the reunion since he lives in Singapore. Say hi to David, and let’s get more of these bio’s to post. Remember, it’s not just about your job, it’s about your journey in making it this far!
Next Blog: Don’t forget about our give away, if you have anything that you would like to donate as a door prize let us know, or just bring it. We want to make this a fun event!
David Conner Bio - The first of what I hope will be many more.

Chief Executive Officer and Director
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited
Mr Conner was first appointed to the Board of OCBC Bank on 15 April 2002 and last re-elected as a Director in May 2002. He is presently the Chief Executive Officer and Director of OCBC Bank and is a Director of OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, Chairman and Executive Director of Bank of Singapore Ltd, Deputy Chairman and Director of Lion Capital Management Ltd, Commissioner of PT Bank NISP Tbk and Director of The Esplanade Co Ltd. He also serves as a member of the Council of the Association of Banks in Singapore, the Advisory Council of the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Board of Trustees of Washington University in St Louis.
Before joining OCBC Bank in 2002, Mr Conner previously worked for more than 25 years with Citibank N.A., where he served as Managing Director and Market Manager for Citibank Japan from 1999 until early 2002.
Mr Conner holds a Bachelor of Arts from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and a Master in Business Administration from Columbia University in New York, with concentrations in Finance and International Business.