Our reunion was truly a fabulous and memorable event!
We certainly did renew old friendships, make some new
ones and danced the night away! Our committee received
many positive comments during the evening and continues
to receive wonderful e-mails about our unforgettable night.
We know that everyone seemed to have a spectacular time.
Our only regret was that the evening went way too fast, and
time just didn't allow us to talk to everyone!
Thanks to all of you who were able to join us, because just you
being there made that night so special. Many of you came from
miles away and thanks for that extra effort just getting here,
especially knowing that the power might be out where you were
planning to stay.
Thanks to Jay Mason and Brian Richardson for organizing the
golf outing.
Thanks also to Carla Tanner Close, Bob Ciampoli, Dennis Hayashi,
Carla Henke Mattson, Bev and Rich Schaefer, and Travel Corner
for donating our fabulous attendance prizes.
A great video had been planned for the evening produced by
Dennis Hayashi but because of technical difficulties that video
could not be viewed. The video included a look back of high
school memories plus a pictorial listing of those classmates who
have passed on. See the following post to view that list.
We hope the photograph orders will be ready soon. When we
hear that they are ready to be mailed we will post on the blog.
Links will soon be posted to view photographs from our amazing
Don't forget to "save the date" for our next event planned for
Saturday, July 24, 2010. We will attempt to organize a reunion
for all who graduated from Southwest during the 60's. We intend
to contact other committees from that decade to plan this next
reunion. We are open to any suggestions in order to make this
another great event. Please continue to visit this blog for updates.
If you haven't received a contact list and would like one, please
e-mail Sue Lynch Day and she will forward you one.
If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us.
Best regards from your reunion committee,
Brenda, Dennis, Sue, Joyce, Rich, Bev, Nancy,
Tina, Henry, Charlie, Paula, Gayle, Bob, & Carol